Its 2 am in the morning, I have work tomorrow and I am not sleepy.
There is all this talk about the swine flu which has sneakily slithered into the world and made everyone hop, skip and jump. Not cool. There is no trace of the monsoons.
Somehow, I wanted to write. My fingers wanted to tap something on the screen.
I don't know what it is that I really want to write here, I am just going to go with the flow. See what it is that my mind wants to say that my fingers so desperately want to pen down on the screen.
Time heals everything. I dont know whether I should say that time is a friend. We can only try to catch up with time and go with it. One cannot want the sun to rise at 10 am in the morning. It will always rise in its time. We just need to keep trying, keep making the effort.
There is a lot of confusion on efforts vs destiny.
Sometimes, the higher spiritual forces spread out a setting for us. Give us a little push, show us the path, and then it is upto us on how we walk, the pace, and whether we stick to the path not not. There is a reason why we were given the intelligence we have, otherwise we probably would have been leaves. Flowing in the direction of the wind, without any power to decide where the leaves want to go.
Yes, this is it.
The sun rises in its time, gives us light and shows us the path. And then we carry on our daily activities. We walk on the path. Our effort. Our life. Our Decision.

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