On the joyous occassion of Janamashtmi, the street outside my house is all lit up. Lights everywhere. Orange lights. Yellow lights. White lights. Blue lights, lights and many more lights, not to forget the awesomely loud street lights as well. It is actually very beautiful! The whole street just became alive and vibrant with positive vibes. I was quite satisfied to see the scene outside, I mean I can just step out onto the balcony, with a cup of masala chai sit on the chair and just absorb the visuals. Totally cool! I think im going to do just that once I finish writing this blog.
There is a small temple diagonally on the left side of the house, a hindu school bang opposite my front face, then residences. Amazingly tall eucapyptus trees ALL around the place and opposite, swaying hypnotically from side to side with the wind, leaves creating a beautiful symphony if you can manage to pay attention to it. If you stick your nose to the bark you can actually smell the eucalyptus fragrance from them. Really its true, as stupid as I did look, I tried it at a time! Quite a nice scene from the 3rd floor.
On the back side, is a very nice residential colony, green with trees and kids playing in the evening. On the right side one can see the metro from the balcony of my room. It is quite a sight, watching the metro go past.. silently slithering its way through Delhi in mid air. The sun usually sets very beautifully and I can take a thousand photographs if I manage to come home on time to catch it and have a camera ready. Maybe I will post a pic here of one of the few I took some time back :)
Oh man! Elephants! Tall, and majestic, intimidating..gentle, slow and docile at the same time.. so beautiful! There are two outside my house right now! They are giving joy rides to people and kids. Have you ever noticed an elephant's walk? They walk like a beautiful woman.
I think elephants are the most beautiful creatures God ever created. It is a strange irony, as intimidating they look, they are equally humble and docile. There is a lot to learn from these mysterious creatures, a lot about life, endurance, patience, responsibility, love and humility.
Anyway so this is the scene of this moment right now. These little moments make the bigger ones and have the ability to make any one happy. In this fast pace of life, I wonder how many people today actually have the time and energy to let alone enjoy, NOTICE, such small moments.
Janamashtmi is round the corner. I wish for everyone to be happy. To live happy. To spread this happiness.
May all auspicious things and events happen to everyone everywhere!!
And now I am going to make killer masala chai and chill out on my balcony.
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