After many months I sit down in front of my laptop at my blog site and I decide to write something.
A lot of things have been happening at all fronts. Changing seasons, changing faces, changing spaces and changing phases. A roller coaster of emotions and settling of issues. The calming of the madness in the mind, the dust settling down and the sweet stillness in the air after a storm.
I almost feel like I am sitting in a cafe, with my cup of coffee, silently watching out from a window, the bustling city of people and machines moving about in their business, constantly in a hurry, fighting and stepping all over everything, cutting throats, spilling blood, fulfilling their daily routine of karma and some where between the insanity and the violent bullfight, you get to see a pretty sparrow in her nest feeding her little ones. Love.
All of us move in a direction, with the herd, in an acute need to satiate ourselves with our needs and wants, money, a good life and power. Moving along with the herd, adhering to whatever it's norms are and stop when we reach the fences. Who made these fences? Or maybe not stop at all and fall.
How essential it is to slow down, stop, halt, step on the breaks...I'll say it again, slow down. Make a change. Give the mind a rest. Sounds familiar? Some people associate slowing down with age..."WHAT!? But you are just thirty, lost the battle already?"
Wait a minute...when was I ever in the battle? I did not know I was a soldier. Why does it have to be a war? When was I at war with my life?
Are you at war with your life?
Slowing down, making a change, being the agent of change, being happy... it can be difficult to get out of this quick sand called 'Society', the more you move your feet, the more you sink in. People morally convict you, emotionally bludgeon you, try to pull you down to where you came out from, because they could not do it themselves, but as long as you know what path you are on, and have faith, staying steadfast and strong is not impossible.
Do not worry about slowing down, it is not the end of the world. It is God's gift that he personally gave to us. Being happy doing what makes us happy is the right of the Self. No one can take that away, and if they did, WE allowed it.
Just random thoughts, of a thirty year old something.
A lot of things have been happening at all fronts. Changing seasons, changing faces, changing spaces and changing phases. A roller coaster of emotions and settling of issues. The calming of the madness in the mind, the dust settling down and the sweet stillness in the air after a storm.
I almost feel like I am sitting in a cafe, with my cup of coffee, silently watching out from a window, the bustling city of people and machines moving about in their business, constantly in a hurry, fighting and stepping all over everything, cutting throats, spilling blood, fulfilling their daily routine of karma and some where between the insanity and the violent bullfight, you get to see a pretty sparrow in her nest feeding her little ones. Love.
All of us move in a direction, with the herd, in an acute need to satiate ourselves with our needs and wants, money, a good life and power. Moving along with the herd, adhering to whatever it's norms are and stop when we reach the fences. Who made these fences? Or maybe not stop at all and fall.
How essential it is to slow down, stop, halt, step on the breaks...I'll say it again, slow down. Make a change. Give the mind a rest. Sounds familiar? Some people associate slowing down with age..."WHAT!? But you are just thirty, lost the battle already?"
Wait a minute...when was I ever in the battle? I did not know I was a soldier. Why does it have to be a war? When was I at war with my life?
Are you at war with your life?
Slowing down, making a change, being the agent of change, being happy... it can be difficult to get out of this quick sand called 'Society', the more you move your feet, the more you sink in. People morally convict you, emotionally bludgeon you, try to pull you down to where you came out from, because they could not do it themselves, but as long as you know what path you are on, and have faith, staying steadfast and strong is not impossible.
Do not worry about slowing down, it is not the end of the world. It is God's gift that he personally gave to us. Being happy doing what makes us happy is the right of the Self. No one can take that away, and if they did, WE allowed it.
Just random thoughts, of a thirty year old something.